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We are energy and matter. We are human beings.

We are multi-dimensional layers and levels, a spectrum, a continuum of consciousness.

As a species, we are always evolving. This happens unconsciously. But also, some of us are called to join our own evolutionary thrust, to actively join that flow. It’s like a calling. One that quickens, that hastens our own individual evolutionary process, in service to the quality of our own lives and to the one work we are all a part of, in the body of the One. If you have this calling, you know exactly what it feels like. You can’t miss it.

At the highest levels, we are re-negotiating how we relate to one another and to Nature. The agreements around karma, around veils and forgetting, around right use of will—these are changing.

2022 Schedule TBA - Stay tuned!


nrg sessions are group energy bodywork sessions.

nrg sessions are…

…an opportunity to bathe in the light of your soul, guides, council, Nature, the Earth, the Sun, many masters and guides, and your own Greater Consciousness.

…an opportunity to consciously join and engage in your unique evolutionary process at the highest levels of your being.

…an opportunity to move strongly into the next frontier of group work, which is what’s next for humanity.

…an opportunity to contribute as part of your World Service, to the evolution of Human-Nature relations.



From 2000-2014, Alaya offered Full Moon Flows, energy bodywork sessions every month to a committed group of people all around the world.

nrg sessions are next level.

What’s possible?

Healing and real change,

developing vision,

skyrocketing psychic and extrasensory gifts and abilities,

developing and strengthening your connection with your guides,

embodying more of your soul and greater consciousness in real,

tangible ways,

upgrading forms and relationships in your life, creating new forms,

understanding your life purpose and world service,

contributing to the evolution of human-nature relations,

contributing to peace for all,

realizing your potential,

blossoming and becoming.

In a session, you may fully complete a pattern or ripen a pattern you have been working on for many years or lifetimes.

You may embody or receive clarity about what is next for you.

What’s it like?

nrg sessions happen in the comfort of your home,

ideally while lying down in a bed or other super comfy cocoon.

Every session will be different, and every person will experience this in a unique way.

You’ll lie down at the time of the event, or at a time that works for you.

You’ll intend to receive the session in ways that are safe and comfortable for your system.

You may make other intentions at that time for what you’d like to experience and receive.

You may feel a faucet of energy turning on and off at the beginning and end of the session,

you may feel pasted to your bed,

you may have images, sensations, a distorted sense of time (the session lasts 10 minutes or goes on for many hours),

you might fall asleep.

You may have aha’s at the time, or the benefits may roll out into the future, over time, precipitating into your life and body when you are ready.

What’s required?

Invitation and consciously agreed on participation between yourself and Alaya.

Self-assessment and honesty about readiness to go to your next level and being self-responsible for your growth processes and changes.

A commitment to yourself and fulfilling your potential.

The ability to surrender and trust, to not need all the answers right now, but to trust an organic process.

No psychotropic drugs or chemicals that may interfere with your healthy, innate, organic and natural energy and consciousness unfoldment.

If you have any mental or emotional illness that might make acceleration unwise, you will speak with Alaya about this before participating.

enter the stream of nrg

2022 Schedule coming