Pet Clinic April 4 2024 - General Notes

Thanks for the trust and for joining our 24rd pet clinic!!

Each clinic is unique, in partnership with Nature and the animals gathered. Group notes will be posted below.


(did you land here and aren’t sure what Pet Clinic is? You are welcome to scroll through captain’s log and read all the notes from prior sessions, and there is a lot of info on this main pet clinic page).

Today’s session:

20 animals

11 Dogs

8 Cats

1 Horse

Areas of the world represented:

Our founding core pack:

Woburn, Massachussetts, one dog Maizie

Liechtenstein, one dog Joy

Ridgefield, Connecticut, two dogs Luna and Ava

Sacramento, CA two dogs Jane and Winston

Milton, VT one dog La Rue

Wakefield, MA one dog Mango

Lille, France two cats Indie and Pinda

Pasadena, CA one cat Ginger

Seattle, WA one cat Roosey

Additional animals committed to joining all year:

Carlsbad, CA one dog Olive

Providence, RI two cats Dexter and Shadow

Central Coast, CA one dog or cat, yet to be reuinited

Cental Coast, CA one horse, yet to be reunited

Ottawa, CA one cool cat also yet to be reunited

Wakefield, MA one cat or dog yet to be reunited

Seattle, WA one dog Beatrice


24 months of Pet Clinic — Hurrah! Happy 2 year anniversary!

Energy is big today. I am still ramping into the session, reading through your notes and will begin the first nrg part after reading through everything. There is a solar eclipse Monday and something about that seems to be relevant for today.

In the first hour of nrg, we helped each animal to release any stuck energy, helped clear their spines, helped them connect with the Earth-Sun-Spiritual Sun evolutionary flows and alignments, their star origin if applicable, and worked with energies of Divine Will to create healing and alignment.

The energy is expansive, big, powerful—not finding exactly the accurate word. But it’s like looking at an elephant, seeing a portion. I keep shifting my perspective and using different skills to get a bigger view of what I’m looking at.

Experienced a lot of human mind clutter that we also were lifting out of, clearing from their systems, becoming free of, finding a higher flow…again, looking for the most accurate words to convey the experience.

At the very beginning, a big crystal-like presence came into my awareness. I do not yet know how to define this. It has to do with what is next for the animals. Not only our group.

At one point I had the idea or thought drop in that Pet Clinic animal group is like an “atom” or seed of consciousness in harmony with evolutionary flows, that is somehow assisting all of life and in particular the Animal Kingdom of Nature. During one phase of the energy session many different animals came to my awareness one after another, staying with each one at a time. Herons, eagles, elephants, whales, sheep, cows, turkeys, snakes, to name a few. As if there are lines of consciousness or highways of information flowing through the seed or atom of our animal group to these other species of animals. That our animals are conduits for evolutionary information coming from our planetary and solar logos, and beyond. A great orchestration.

It was interesting because we worked on the group but also the individuals in the beginning, in the middle a lot of things happened that felt “huge” and then at the end, I checked on each one, creating a space for them to release anything they didn’t need, and balance their systems.

I’m called to go into nrg again. I took a “lunch” break. Pan and the guides asked me to eat and rest, take a walk and then come back.

I’m going to do some more energy work now. I have notes for your animals already written, I’m just going to wait and send them in case more comes through that is specific to your animal rather than applicable to yours and all.

In the second phase of nrg, I observed golden divine templates coming in for each animal. We worked with the elements, creating balance for each animal, and also balancing and stabilizing for the group.

Also work with the interface between humans and animals, the veils or things that cause interference, that separate humans and animals from being able to communicate or share clear vision.

At one point Pan let me know we were complete for today.


Alaya and Mango


Why monthly sessions?

In addition to the fact that our animals and Pan tell me it’s necessary, I am noticing an accumulated effect which we didn’t know to expect when we embarked on this adventure.

  • They have formed a solid light together and work together

  • It is easier to work with them

  • They shift more easily and receive more

  • They get excited and look forward to the sessions each month

One of you let me know that your dog, who in the very first pet clinic over a year and a half ago told me she was ready to die. Now this dog is doing well. The vet and neighbors have all commented on her coat and her well-being and how improved it seems.

If you read the notes from our August session, one of our core pack cats had a diagnosis of only days or weeks to live with a grim outlook on symptoms and quality of life in that time period. He wasn’t going upstairs or outside any longer. In that session, the core pack and all animals circled around the cat to focus light on him and send him off well. Instead, the cat used the light to heal. It is now October and the report is as follows: Everybody has been telling me how good and healthy he seems to be. I have to agree that he does look better than the whole of last year 😅 he has been more active since last clinic,  and going outside again for the last couple of weeks . He had been asking in earnest for ten days and getting agitated. (Update: he is still with us in November).

I think these experiences are testament to the core pack vitality and buoyancy, being held in a steady light from month to month, receiving the space and light to be and self-heal each month.

I continue to be grateful and feel happy about this creation of Pet Clinic. Thank you for saying yes and providing me with feedback as we go along.

Monthly NRG for Humans on Zoom is April 17th <—-sign up link

When you keep yourself clear and balanced, it helps our animals so much. They are relieved of needing to absorb some of those extra energies or patterns in service to you. Learn more about these sessions here.

Remember to take care of yourself too, which indirectly also takes care of all in your sphere including your pets.


Pet Clinic May 3 2024 - General Notes


Pet Clinic March 5 2024 - General Notes