Answering the Call

The Masters are asking me to offer you prep

You may know I'm looking at the energy for a new course or program about working with Masters. It's one of the things I'm called to explore and see if we can bring it into form in a very awesome way.

You know if you are being called.

The prep is important.

Prep meaning what you need to do to be able to carry your end of a partnership with a Master or guide.

This will include things that are unique to you having to do with your unique skills that you have developed already.

Q. Is there anything you have been feeling or hearing whispers that you need to do to develop your unique gifts and skills?

And then there is the prep having to do with being enough in resonance to hold the energy, own your power, stay steady and show up for your side of the work.

The latter is along the lines of embodying more of your soul and Divine Self/Greater Consciousness. Your ability to hear/perceive clearly the higher frequencies without distorting the purity of what comes through, the suppleness, flow and dynamic stability within your system to process and hold expanded consciousnesss.

How do you prep to be the best partner you can be?

This is what they are showing me is most useful for the group of you who are called at this time. It’s your job to tune in and ask what is yours.

Ask your higher self, soul, Divine Self and the guides you already work with for the truth in these two areas.

1. Your own unique skills to develop

2. What is required for health and stability, clarity and resonance regarding your human system

Most importantly and without exception-

  • Connect with your Purpose daily

Other prep resources

If you would like to connect with your Purpose daily, here is one way. It doesn't need to take a long time. If you have other ways, do what works for you.

I ask to connect with my Purpose at the level of my higher self (breathe),

I ask to connect with my Purpose at the level of my soul (breathe),

I ask to connect with my Purpose at the level of my Greater Consciousness

What's my next step, today?

(breathe and sit)

Just enjoy that, notice if you feel, sense, perceive something.

See what comes.

You an also ask for a symbol of your Purpose that you can work with every day.

Have fun!

First, get comfortable, centered. When you are ready,

I ask to connect with my Purpose at the level of my higher self (breathe),

I ask to connect with my Purpose at the level of my soul (breathe),

I ask to connect with my Purpose at the level of my Greater Consciousness(breathe),

What's my next step, today?

(breathe and sit)


What it’s like so far - A Note from Alaya


Human Clinic August 24th 2023- USA - General Notes